Towards Electrochemistry

Siraj Sabihuddin
Siraj Sabihuddin

A scientist, engineer and maker suddenly feeling the urge to branch out into the magical world of chemistry

I have decided that its time to take a deep dive into electrochemistry. I’d like to return to research with the angle of supplementing my electrical, software and computer engineering background and my amateurish physics and mechanics background with chemistry. However, I’d like to follow the non-traditional route of experimentally motivated learning.

The various texts that I’ll be consulting as I progress in this mission consist of the following. I’ll add to this list

  1. Chemistry the Central Science.
  2. Experimental Electrochemistry: A Laboratory Textbook.
  3. Electrochemical Methods: Fundamentals and Applications.
  4. Understanding Voltammetry.
  5. Modern Electrochemistry 1: Ionics.
  6. Modern Electrochemistry 2: Electrodics.
  7. Principles of Instrumental Analysis.

The goal in my studies will be to get me competent with experimental chemistry as quickly as possible. I’d like to be able to replicate as many experiments in my home lab as possible and use these as a motivator to learn the theoretical aspects of chemistry. There are some fundamentals of chemistry that’ll most likely need to address. But I’d also like to keep the experimental work focused on processes I can use in engineering applications in electrical engineering and related fields.

Taking a cursory glance at the books above, I’ve realized that there is probably going to be some work involved in adapting the experiments to things I can actually build with the tools I have or purchase for a relatively low cost and easily. There are probably a large subset of experiments that have either visible or more conerningly, hidden dangers to my health and safety. So a lot of care may need to be taken here.

A Wish List of Chemical Processes

Below is a list of the various things I’ve come across that have piqued my interest over past few years:

  1. Etching of copper clad boards for circuits
  2. Etching of steel and other metals to transfer art and graphics
  3. Hydrogen gas generator
  4. Water distillation
  5. Electrolysis of water for H2 and O2 generation and storage
  6. Fuel cells for power generation
  7. Batteries for power generation
  8. Electrolysis to produce NaOH
  9. Electrolysis to remove copper from solution
  10. Crystallization by drying of salt, sugar and NaOH
  11. Production of hydrochloric acid
  12. Production of citric acid
  13. Anodization
  14. Metal metal electroplating
  15. Metal non-metal electroplating
  16. Electroforming (with dissolvable mandrel)
  17. Production of lime
  18. Production of lime plaster
  19. Electric discharge machining
  20. Electrophoresis Display
  21. Electrowetting Display

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