Tag: university

Sigh … They’re Only Earthworms

Ahhh … university … your halls smell so sweet. Well folks. This story is about one of those strange idiosyncrasies of life. About how people get worked up over little things. My tale begins with a simple desire. The desire to live a sustainable life and explore the multifaceted world of sustainable engineering. And so, […]

We’re Engineers DAMN IT!

A few years ago, when I was but a weee little lad, ready to face the world and enter the world of engineering, I got the rummy idea that university was the way to go. And so, full of optimism and passion, I popped in the application form, went through the ‘do you have the highest grade’ rat race, got out a substantial loan and made my way into the University (the University in question shall remain unnamed). I was excited! Thrilled! I was in the exciting and riveting field of the then massively popular and over inflated subject of … computer engineering … yes, you heard it right computer engineering … yes yes .. I know, you’re probably asking: “What were you THINKING?!” … hey, didn’t I mention that I was just a weee little lad? … me liked computer games.