Tag: science

Light Therapy: Does it Really Work?

The internet is full of people and companies who make tall claims about therapies. Those who claim the efficacy of magic pills, magic diets, magic touch, magic magnets and magic light. My goal in this article is to briefly review the scientific literature and do an initial sanity check to see if light therapies are legitimate and then to understand under what conditions they are effective and to what degree and under what basic conditions.

Short-Circuit the Academic Publication Status Quo!

If you’ve ever pushed past the daily grind of your undergraduate education into the beautiful world of the graduate student, this article is for you! Today, I expound to you, dearest reader, the virtues of open access research. “What?!”, you say. “That’s utter madness”, you say. “Academic suicide!” and “What about quality control?!”, I hear. Well … pish posh! And how will I convince you that open access research is the way to go? I shall employ that somewhat archaic notion of logical arguments my friends! That’s right, you heard it here first! Logic CAN be used for useful things! 🙂