Tag: maxwell

Who the Devil is Maxwell?

Maxwell? Who is he? Why should we even care who he is? And ohhh … god! What is the insanity behind his equations?! … these my friends are the questions that run chills down the spines of us normal folks. We are like fish out of water, thrashing about in an insane desperate struggle to comprehend the great questions of the universe. Well, lets try diving back into the ocean … and gaze upon the incredible deliciousness of physics at work.

The Newton-Raphson Method

In the world of electrical machines, we stuffy engineers like to wax intellectual and spout all sorts of age old wisdom from all sorts of dusty old books. Today I’m going to dust off some books and talk about the Newton-Raphson Numerical Method for estimating equation roots. This is a key method that many Finite Element Analysis (FEA) tools use to calculate magnetic fields. The truth is, as engineers, we use FEA all the time, but very few of us really understand the theory or how it all works. This is my first attempt to remedy that particular situation. But be patient! I’m only a beginner too! 🙂