Tag: learning

Towards Electrochemistry

I have decided that its time to take a deep dive into electrochemistry. I’d like to return to research with the angle of supplementing my electrical, software and computer engineering background and my amateurish physics and mechanics background with chemistry. However, I’d like to follow the non-traditional route of experimentally motivated learning.

Learning Guitar: 6 Months Later

So here we go. Those of you just tuning in, clearly you were not impressed with my previous months of guitar blogs. Sooooo… Pshht. Don’t be expecting me to go over it all again. ‘ve been practising very little. So not much to talk about. In truth, talking to my teacher, he suggested that at absolute minimum I need 1 hour of practice per day – which I’m not getting. And in-fact, to start becoming good something in the order of 4 hours per day – probably more. Lets get started.

Learning Guitar Week 3 & 4: More Complex Strumming + Chords

The previous weeks I had begun the process of learning the basics of strumming and chords. This week, follow me on the next two weeks of my journey to not sucking at music. Crack open a cool can of your favourite drink, a pop corn and watch me fail. .. Damn those internet skeptics. Always ready to mock a poor innocent engineer venturing out into the cruel cruel world. Sighhhhhh.