Tag: javascript

WIX: Registration Forms, Cookies & Redirects

From a developer point of view, WIX is NOT amazing. With its questionable connections it makes it even less attractive. This post documents my first use of WIX ever in 2021 and my first attempts to utilize the WIX API as well. The goal is to create a publications page that requires users to register before they can access these articles.

Forget Plugins: Filtering WordPress Posts using Javascript & PHP

I have this little problem. You see. I’m a cheapskate when it comes to spending money on Wordpress plugins. There! I said it. Sooo … I’ve decided its time to just learn how to program Javascript and PHP directly into my existing Wordpress theme. The goal: To create a nice looking blog page where I can filter the posts by categories with a drop down list. So come on in and learn how to develop for your own Wordpress website rather than shell out the cash to some random dudes and dudettes. Don’t be sad, dudes and dudettes, you’re not bad people. I’m just one of those people who can code as well.