Category: Socio-political

WIX: Registration Forms, Cookies & Redirects

From a developer point of view, WIX is NOT amazing. With its questionable connections it makes it even less attractive. This post documents my first use of WIX ever in 2021 and my first attempts to utilize the WIX API as well. The goal is to create a publications page that requires users to register before they can access these articles.

Using Python to Automate Narration of a 14 Century Book

Recently, I encountered a problem. The problem is that of time. I have been trying to read an English translation of a book published in 1377 AD by Ibn Khaldun entitled the Muqaddimah. Muqaddimah however has no audio book.and the book sits at roughly a thousand pages of text. I, being one of those lazy folks, like to multi-task somewhat in order to get my reading done. So while I walk to and from work, I’d like to be able to read without the requisite dangers of being run over by a car.

Taiwan Swimming Pools: Swimming Trunks not Allowed!

I recently came across a problem in my daily experiences in Taiwan.. Me and a friend had discovered a swimming pool here in Taipei. Having gone swimming at another location, I had discovered that Taiwanese swimming pools require people to buy goggles and swimming caps. And that these are requirements for swimming. So I had availed myself the opportunity, bought myself a set of these and gone ahead with swimming at my old pool without incident or complaint.

Short-Circuit the Academic Publication Status Quo!

If you’ve ever pushed past the daily grind of your undergraduate education into the beautiful world of the graduate student, this article is for you! Today, I expound to you, dearest reader, the virtues of open access research. “What?!”, you say. “That’s utter madness”, you say. “Academic suicide!” and “What about quality control?!”, I hear. Well … pish posh! And how will I convince you that open access research is the way to go? I shall employ that somewhat archaic notion of logical arguments my friends! That’s right, you heard it here first! Logic CAN be used for useful things! 🙂

Sigh … They’re Only Earthworms

Ahhh … university … your halls smell so sweet. Well folks. This story is about one of those strange idiosyncrasies of life. About how people get worked up over little things. My tale begins with a simple desire. The desire to live a sustainable life and explore the multifaceted world of sustainable engineering. And so, […]

We’re Engineers DAMN IT!

A few years ago, when I was but a weee little lad, ready to face the world and enter the world of engineering, I got the rummy idea that university was the way to go. And so, full of optimism and passion, I popped in the application form, went through the ‘do you have the highest grade’ rat race, got out a substantial loan and made my way into the University (the University in question shall remain unnamed). I was excited! Thrilled! I was in the exciting and riveting field of the then massively popular and over inflated subject of … computer engineering … yes, you heard it right computer engineering … yes yes .. I know, you’re probably asking: “What were you THINKING?!” … hey, didn’t I mention that I was just a weee little lad? … me liked computer games.