Category: CAD Computer Aided Design

CAD: Computer Aided Design Portfolio

The images included capture the visual elements of the various extracurricular CAD projects I’ve undertaken over the years (excluding those under NDA). Its hopelessly incomplete. If you are an employer, investor, want to take one of my courses, join me for a project or collaboration or if you are just one of those random people interested in finding out a bit more about me, Enjoy.

Ohhhh! …. Ahhhh! … 3D Printers: A List

Did you just print out a picture? Are you feeling that two dimensional soul sucking bleakness? Yup. That’s what I call the 2D printer blues. A two dimensional image simply can’t capture your genius and inspired view of the world, can it? Well, no more! NOOO more, I say! Welcome to the world of 3D printing my friends. No money? No problem! In this article I’ll take you through the plethera of low cost 3D printing options available to you. Yes sir-eee-ooo! Yes I will. … Ummm … you may still need to beg for those few extra bits of change every now and then to afford it all. But, hey life’s hard, what can you do? – Don’t answer that – it’s a rhetorical question!