CAD: Computer Aided Design Portfolio

Siraj Sabihuddin
Siraj Sabihuddin

A scientist, engineer and maker showing his artistic side with some computer models.

The below images capture the visual elements of the various extracurricular CAD projects I’ve undertaken over the years (excluding those under NDA). Its hopelessly incomplete. If you are an employer, investor, want to take one of my courses, join me for a project or collaboration or if you are just one of those random people interested in finding out a bit more about me, Enjoy. Drop me a line via my social media links or via email or the contact form to get in touch. I’m a little slow to respond, but I’ll try my best to get back to you.

3D Drawings

The below 3D CAD drawings were created using a variety of software including Autodesk Inventor, Solidworks, Pro-engineer and Freecad. I’ve also worked with Fusion 360 though at the moment I don’t have any of my drawings for this work available. Please note that the below images are a random selection. I just put up those images that I found easily. These works are completely my own and original files are available to demonstrate.

2D Drawings

The 2D drawings below were created primarily in Autodesk Inventor. At present, I’ve not had a chance to upload additional drawings, but I’ve created drawings in other tools including Solidworks, Pro-engineer and Freecad.


Here are some examples of simulations developed for electromagnetic and structural testing. This section is far from complete. I haven’t had a chance to upload any additional CAD related simulations as of yet.

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