Discover Projects

Here you can experience bunny rabbits flying in the sky, clouds made of candy floss and giant pandas that play the trumpet. Just close your eyes. Imagine. Lacking imagination? No problem. Follow the menu above and find out more about my past projects. Read and explore pictures and videos about interesting topics that cover a wide range of fun and interesting science. Are you interested in getting some help with a project of your own? You can hire me or another consultant through our company Suspro Limited.

Join an Event or Shop

Support my work in Science by donating or buying from my shop. Or join me for an upcoming event or workshop. Love music, art, technology or science? Like to use your hands to build something real? Then you can join me for workshops teaching you how to build machines, musical instruments, electronic devices and other weird and wonderful contraptions. You can also buy some of my crazy contraptions via the shop or support via donations. At the moment, there are no events running and the shop is not ready. But contact me and tell me what you are interested in. I do practical events for schools and organizations alike. And design products for the public and companies alike.

Follow on Social Media

Lets be honest, most of us internet people have forgotten how to read. We love pictures and competing with each other for more social media friends. So here you can be my virtual friend and look at pictures and videos without all the nasty reading and thinking that Scienticians have to do. If you’re old school or super-old school, you can also get in touch with me personally by email or snail mail just head over to the contact page. Also you should probably subscribe to stay informed as well. Seriously. You should. At the moment though I don’t have a subscription service. So just contact me.